Yesterday, Tuesday December 6th, was a very important day for Galway – Roscommon Education and Training Board (GRETB) and its staff.
In two large clusters, 500 teachers from 11 Galway – Roscommon Education and Training Board Schools underwent a full day of CPD – Continuing Professional Development.
The attendees explored developments in curriculum, assessment and associated teaching approaches that will shape classrooms for the current and next generation of learners as part of the Junior Cycle reforms. The aims of the training day were twofold:
– To explore Junior Cert developments with a view to ensuring best practice in Teaching, Learning and Assessment.
– To create professional networks for teaching staff.
Galway – Roscommon Education and Training Board is developing professional networks of teachers, based around the various Junior Cycle subject areas. These professional networks will afford teachers the opportunity to connect, share and develop professional practice, in addition to reducing duplication of work previously undertaken by colleagues.
The establishment of professional networks across and within schools will allow Galway – Roscommon Education and Training Board teachers to share information and developments relevant to subject teachers with one another directly.
Galway – Roscommon Education and Training Board’s eight Coláistí lán-Ghaeilge/Gaeltachta will receive a similar full day of training after Christmas, as a standalone cluster. This will ensure that each of GRETB’s 20 schools are fully up to date with curricular innovation that underpins junior Cycle reform.