The Club congratulates Mary Costello, c/o Roscommon Hospital who won €1,073 in the St Dominics GAA 50-50 Draw on Saturday 26th November. 50/50 draw next week, Saturday 3rd December will be in The Claypipe, Knockcroghery. You can sign up for the next 52 weeks (Cost €100) or 26 weeks (Cost €50) at any time, please contact 087 3552383 for details and online Club website at www.naomhdominic.ie. Envelopes, for entry into each individual draw on each Saturday, are also available in the Shops/Post Office and Bars in the locality, as well as from John Corcoran’s Menswear and Roscommon Leisure Zone in Roscommon – only €2 per draw. Team 12 – Eddie Fallon on selling duty. Minor Football are on helping duty for December. Many thanks for your support.
Annual General Meeting:
The AGM of the Club was held on Friday 25th November in Culleen Hall.
Senior Football:
St Dominics have qualified for the Division 1 U-20 Football Semi- Final. They topped Group A having been undefeated against Strokestown, Padraig Pearses and Western Gaels. Well done to the players, manager Andrew Grady and his management team. No date has yet been fixed for the Semi-Final.
Minor Football:
Football Nursery run by Minor Football Committee for Junior and Senior infants is running every Saturday 10am to 11am for boys and girls in St. Johns Community Centre, Lecarrow.
Ladies Football:
Football Nursery for Junior and Senior infants every Saturday 10am to 11am for boys and girls in St. Johns Community Centre, Lecarrow.
Minor Hurling:
Our indoor u8 hurling continues each Thursday at 6.30pm with the grand final due to take place on Saturday 10th of December at 4pm, at St. John’s Community Centre. It guarantees to be an entertaining afternoon for all to enjoy,
Scór Na nÓg (8-17 years) County Semi-Final took place on Sunday 20th November in St. Johns Community Centre. St. Dominics will be represented by 37 competitors in all competitions in County Final on Sunday 11th December in the Dean Crowe, Athlone. Tickets €10.