The Minister of State for Regional Economic Development, Michael Ring TD, has announced that 32 projects in County Roscommon are to benefit from CLÁR funding totalling €406,000.
CLÁR is a targeted investment programme for that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in rural areas that have experienced significant depopulation. The aim of CLÁR is to support the sustainable development of identified areas by attracting people to live and work there. The funding works in conjunction with local funding and on the basis of locally identified priorities. The programme has been effectively closed for new applications since 2009 but was reopened by Minister Ring on the 6th of October 2016 and funding is being provided under these three measures:
– Safety package for Schools/Community Facilities (were Roscommon has mainly benefited from in today’s announcement)
– Outdoor Play Facilities Enhancement Scheme/support for the development of Multi Use Games Areas.
– Local Access Roads
In announcing the funding Minister Ring said “I am delighted to be able to announce this funding for very worthy projects in disadvantaged rural areas. Initially I had allocated €3million for the scheme but I was able to secure increased funding once it became apparent that there was significant demand on the ground for these types of projects”.
The Minister added that “it is important that issues such as safety at schools and community centres and the development of amenities for young people in rural areas are addressed. I am confident that the funding provided through CLÁR will support communities as they look to ensure their children are safe and have recreational amenities available to them in their own communities”.
Roscommon projects
The value of the the individual allocations range from €2,000 to €40,000. The Keadue Playground Committee have been allocated almost €40,000 to facilitate the relocation of existing equipment to a more suitable site. They will also receive almost €10,000 from Roscommon County Council.
€30,000 has been allocated for Pedestrian Crossings at Abbeycartron NS, Elphin and Ballinagare NS and a full breakdown of the funding is as follows:
Location | Funding | Work to be completed |
Ballinaheglish NS | €2,000 | Road markings required |
Drumboylan | €2,000 | Child safety signs, road markings required. |
Garranlahan NS, Ballinlough. | €2,500 | Safety measures for School. |
Cloonbonniffe NS, Castlerea. | €2,500 | Safety measures for School. |
Kilmurry N.S. | €3,000 | Road markings required and signs |
Greaghnafarna | €3,000 | Improve visibility and signage |
Srabraggan | €3,000 | Improve visibility and signage |
Castlesampson | €3,000 | Child safety signs, road markings required. |
Kingsland N.S. | €7,000 | Road markings required and signs |
Croghan | €7,000 | Croghan NS Road Safety |
Roxboro NS | €10,000 | Replacement lights required, child safety signs required, no road marking currently in place |
Four Roads | €10,000 | Replacement lights required, child safety signs required, no road marking currently in place |
Taghmaconnell | €10,000 | Replacement lights required, child safety signs required, no road marking currently in place |
Whitehall N.S., Tarmonbarry | €10,000 | Replacement lights required, child safety signs required, no road marking currently in place |
Athleague NS | €10,000 | Replacement lights required, child safety signs required, no road marking currently in place |
Lismoyle | €10,000 | Replacement lights required, child safety signs required, no road marking currently in place |
Rahara | €10,000 | Replacement lights required, child safety signs required, no road marking currently in place |
Ballagh N.S. | €10,000 | Replacement lights required, child safety signs required, no road marking currently in place |
Cloonfower N.S, Tarmonbarry | €12,500 | Dangerous blind bend at school. Works would improve visibility at dangerous bend and reduce hazard |
Jack & Jill Community Playgroup, Ballinlough. | €14,000 | Safety measures for Community Group. |
Castlecoote NS | €14,000 | Purchase of speed safety signs |
Curraghboy | €14,000 | Purchase of speed safety signs |
Ballyfeeney, Scramogue | €16,000 | Safety speed sign required to reduce traffic speed at school, existing road markings need to be relayed |
Kilteevan N.S. | €16,000 | Safety speed sign required to reduce traffic speed at school, existing road markings need to be relayed |
Ballymurry N.S. | €16,000 | Safety speed sign required to reduce traffic speed at school, existing road markings need to be relayed |
Tibohine N.S. | €17,000 | Purchase of speed safety signs and child safety signs |
Cortober | €22,000 | Reduce speeding from N4 to Shannon View Road |
Ballaghaderreen N.S. | €25,000 | Pedestrian crossing and advance warning signs required |
Strokestown Boys N.S., | €25,000 | Pedestrian crossing required |
Ballinagare N.S. | €30,000 | Pedestrian crossing and advance warning signs required |
Abbeycartron N.S. Elphin | €30,000 | Pedestrian crossing required |