Independent TD Michael Fitzmaurice has called on the Minister for Health Simon Harris to make an immediate statement on the crisis situation that now exists in the area of home care packages.
The call by Michael Fitzmaurice came following correspondence from many of his constituents in recent weeks.
“I have had letters from many people who are being allocated hours in home care packages but in the same letter they are being told that they will not receive that allocation as there is no funding in place for it. This situation does not make any sense at all because people are being given a home care packages on one hand and it is being taken away on the other.”
Deputy Fitzmaurice went on to say “I am writing to Minister Harris today to make an immediate statement on the matter. People who can be looked after in their own home will save the state huge amounts of money quite apart from the fact that most patients want to be looked after in their own homes anyway. The situation as it exists now just cannot continue” he concluded.