Kilglass Gaels Minor Board AGM
Took place in clubrooms on Friday last the following officers were elected and will go forward to Senior Board AGM for ratification: Chairman: Vinny Murphy, Vice Chairman: Brian Hall, Secretary: Rosaleen Gallogly, Assistant Secretary; TBC, Coaching Officer: Kieran Gallogly.
Kilglass Gaels Ladies Board AGM
Took place in clubrooms on Friday night last the following officers were elected: Chairperson: Aisling Lennon, Secretary: Nicola Tully, Assistant Secretary: Louise Tully, Registrar: TBC, PRO: TBC, Delegates to County Board: Natalie McHugh & Louise Tully.
Kilglass Gaels A.G.M.
Our AGM will be held in the clubrooms on Friday 9th December at 8.00pm. Nomination forms are available from Charlie Reynolds, Niall Kilcrann and from the Club Notice Board in the centre. As a number of current officers are not seeking re-election it is important that current members obtain and fill these forms. Forms must be returned to Charlie Reynolds or Niall Kilcrann no later than Friday 2nd December. Please Note: No Forms will be accepted after this date. The club encourage anyone interested in becoming involved in the running of the club to attend our A.G.M
Kilglass Gaels Lotto
The Draw took place in Reynolds on Saturday night last: Numbers drawn: 2,6,9,25,Bonus 16. No Jackpot winner. 3 x 3 number winner. €67 each- Kay Cox, Ann McCourt, John Colligan . Next week’s jackpot €3,200 for 4 correct numbers and €7,200 for 4 correct numbers PLUS the bonus number. Win or share €200- for 3 numbers. Next draw takes place Sat 2nd Dec in Cox’s.
Kilglass Gaels Ladies Lotto Bonus Ball
Number Drawn 14. This week’s winners Nancy McDonagh & Paul Bannon €50 ea-
Progressive 25
Continues in Kilglass Community Centre on Tuesday nights at 8.30pm. Last weeks winners Sean Murphy and Seamus Nugent 6 games each. New players welcome.
Continues in Kilglass every Saturday night at 8:30pm. Snowball €6000 on 48 calls or less.