Roscommon Integrated Development Company Eugene Murphy Broadband in Roscommon

Worst Broadband in Roscommon revealed

Roscommon Integrated Development Company Eugene Murphy Broadband in Roscommon

A Survey among reader to find the “Worst Broadband in Roscommon” has shown an astonishing difference of 84.9 Mega Bits Per Second between the slowest and fastest connections.

The “Worst Broadband in Roscommon” survey ran for the past seven days and you can find out why we did it here.

And the winner is…

The slowest download speed among our readers is 0.13Mbps ; submitted by a reader with a Satellite Broadband connection in Kilteevan. The fastest speed was found in Boyle, where a reader had a download speed of 85.04Mbps via their Land Line / Fixed, which is 654 times faster!

Another interesting outcome from the survey was that 82% of respondents had a Broadband speed slower than 30Mbps – the proposed minimum speed in the National Broadband.


The fastest upload speed, 26Mbps, was also found in the Boyle area; this time from a reader with Mobile Broadband Connection. The difference between localities / small areas was also surprising as the slowest upload speed, 0.04Mbps, was also found in Boyle.

How does your Broadband speed compare?
Click here to take a Speed Test and feel free to input the results in the form below. We will use the results in a future survey.
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