Roscommon LEADER Partnership are to host a series of workshops outlining how community groups and business can benefit from a slice of the €8.8 million funding allocated to County Roscommon.
Picture Credit: Liam Reynolds
LEADER is a funding initiative open to all! From community and voluntary groups to private individuals and small to medium enterprises, LEADER can offer grant aid and support to projects aiming to promote the quality of life and economic opportunities for Roscommon dwellers within the framework of the approved Local Development Strategy (LEADER Plan).
The Roscommon Local Community Development along with partners Roscommon LEADER Partnership and Roscommon County Council were delighted to welcome Minister Michael Ring to Trinity Arts in Castlerea last week to perform the launch of the new Roscommon LEADER programme.
Under the Programme, funding of €250 million will be provided nationally with Roscommon successful in securing €8.8 million to support and facilitate the continued development of rural communities all over the county
Speakers on the night included Leas-Cathaoirleach of Roscommon County Council – Cllr. Nigel Dineen, Martina Earley, Chair of Roscommon Local Community Development Committee, Micheal Frain, Chair of Roscommon LEADER Partnership, Breege Callaghan, Trinity Arts Centre and Minister Ring.
All the speakers spoke of the importance of the LEADER programme for revitalising and stimulating rural Ireland with particular recognition paid to the successful track record of LEADER in Roscommon over the past programmes. Minister Ring highlighted the significance of volunteers in the role out of the LEADER programme and urged all to take up opportunity offered by LEADER.
The next step is a series of workshops on LEADER which will be held in the Roscommon LEADER Partnership Offices in Roscommon 7.30pm. They will be rolled out as follows –
Tuesday 29th November
Topic: Rural Economic Development
This covers –
Rural Tourism
Enterprise Development
Social Enterprise
Creative Industries
Broadband (Training & Capacity Building)
Rural Towns
Wednesday 30th November
Topic: Social Inclusion
This covers –
Basic Services – hard to reach communities
Rural Youth
Thursday 1st December
Topic: Rural Environment
This covers –
Water Resources – lakes and rivers, amenities, etc.
Renewable Energy
Roscommon LEADER Partnership have also developed a LEADER Information Booklet outlining the funding in more detail. RLP Development Officers, Amanda Mee, Claire Carty, Denise Mc Donnell and Tomás Beades will be available at each workshop to discuss your project idea(s).
If you require any further information on funding, please contact the Roscommon LEADER Team on 090 6630 252 or check out the website at www.rosleaderpartnership.ie.