Michael Fitzmaurice TD says that every avenue must be explored to ease the Hospital Tolley crisis, adding that it is “Very worrying that Consultants are calling the HSE dysfunctional” on the issue”.
The Independent TD said “The disastrous situation at A & E units around the country is getting worse despite all the plans that have been put in place over recent years and it is very worrying to hear a Consultant say this morning that the HSE is dysfunctional when it comes to dealing with this problem”.
“I fully realise that this problem is not easily solved but we don’t seem to be making any progress at all. Despite all the well meaning initiatives that we have seen there were 528 people on trolleys around the country on Wednesday and that situation is set to get even worse as the winter closes in. Speaking on Thursday morning Dr Fergal Hickey accused the HSE of being dysfunctional on this issue and he warns that people will die if this ongoing crisis is not addressed in a meaningful way. This is a very stark message that must be heeded by Minister Harris and the HSE” he said.
Step Down facilities
Michael Fitzmaurice went on to say “I also note that today Nursing Homes Ireland are saying that they have 1,000 vacant beds in their system that could be used as step down beds from the hospital sector, They claim that there has been no engagement at all with the HSE on this matter which does not seem to make any sense. Every avenue that could ease this crisis situation should be actively explored” he concluded.