The U-18 team were beaten in the Premier Cup final on a 4-0 scoreline against CP Ajax. The game was closer than the scoreline suggests with CP leading by a single goal at the break with the goal coming from the penalty spot. However CP were the better side and scored 3 goals in the second half to wrap up the victory.
Now that the underage season has come to an end for another year, Ballymoe FC would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped out in 2016. To Kevin Morgan and Glenn Reid who coached the U.8s and John Kennedy and Jason Tarmey who coached the U.10 teams; Ye bring great interest and fun to soccer. The future is bright. Thanks to Martin and Carol Glancy and Maria Revins who took over the U.12 team. Well done on winning the Second Division Cup.
Thanks to Richy Davies who coached the U.14 players with Tony Scappaticci, Glen Celtic. Due to lack of numbers in each Club, these players had to play with Glen Celtic this year. Hopefully in 2017, we’ll be in a position to field both U.14 and U.16 teams again.
Thanks to Jimmy Egan, Padraic Grogan and Seamus Connolly who managed the U.18 team. Congrats on winning the U.18 First Division Cup.
To all the players who played for Ballymoe FC – I hope you all enjoyed the season. Thanks for your commitment and dedication to the Club. Looking forward to seeing you all back next year.
To the parents and supporters who travelled to the games. Without this support and encouragement for the young players, there would be no games. Thanks for travelling to all games away while the pitch was being developed. No doubt everyone will look forward to playing on the new pitch next year.
Thanks to Hanly Quarries who sponsored jerseys for U.8 and U.10 teams. Also thanks to Keith Revins Tyres who sponsored training tops for the U.12 team. Thanks to Padraic Clarke and the Roscommon and District Youth and Schoolboys League for again running a tight ship and worked hard to keep the season running smoothly.
We are always looking for help with underage teams. If you are interested in helping out, please contact any of the committee. We would also invite more parents and players to become involved in the Club and welcome you to the AGM in January.
Thanks for all your support during the year with Fundraising. Our next fundraising event will be an Auction in Eddies Bar on Tuesday, 27th December 2016. Your continued support is always appreciated.