St Dominics GAA 50-50 Draw
The Club congratulates Tommy and Ellie McDonnell, Four Roads. (Seller: Con Ward) who won €1,106 in the Club’s weekly draw on Saturday 5th November. 50/50 draw next week, Saturday 12th November will be in Coffeys, Lecarrow. You can sign up for the next 52 weeks (Cost €100) or 26 weeks (Cost €50) at any time, please contact 087 3552383 for details and online Club website at www.naomhdominic.ie. Envelopes, for entry into each individual draw on each Saturday, are also available in the Shops/Post Office and Bars in the locality, as well as from John Corcoran’s Menswear and Roscommon Leisure Zone in Roscommon – only €2 per draw. Team 9 – Martin Beirne on selling duty. Senior Football are on helping duty for November. Many thanks for your support.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM of the Club will be held on Friday 25th November in Culleen Hall at 8pm.
Mass of Remembrance:
Mass for the deceased members and friends of St Dominics GAA Club will be held in St. Patrick’s Church, Knockcroghery at 7pm on Friday 18th November followed by Tea, Coffee and refreshments in Culleen and the 1916 commemorative show at 8pm.
Comóradh 1916
St Dominics GAA Club commemorates the Centenary of 1916 Rising through an evening of local history, exploration, music, song and story in Culleen Hall at 8pm on Friday 18th November. Admission €5. Tea, Coffee and refreshments on the night. All Welcome.
Club Scór Na nÓg (8-17 years) final will take place on Sunday 13th November in Culleen hall at 4pm. Looking forward to seeing you all to what is promised to be a lovely evening’s entertainment. Contact Sylvia on 086 7702068 or Anita on 087 9933177 for more details.
U-20 Football Championship:
St Dominics are scheduled to play Western Gaels, away, on Sunday 13th November at 12 noon, to be confirmed.
Ladies Football:
St. Dominics beginner U-8/U-10 Ladies Football: as promised and to mark the end of year we have organised a fun evening at Roscommon Leisure Zone (Ros Bowl) for Saturday 12th, November from 4pm to 6pm. All the girls in these age groups are asked to come along to what is sure to be an enjoyable evening for all. The Ladies Football club hopes you can make it, don’t forget to confirm your attendance.
Football Nursery for Junior and Senior infants every Saturday 10am to 11am for boys and girls in St. Johns Community Centre, Lecarrow.
At the recent Ladies Football AGM our chairperson Mary McIntyre stepped down from her role after many years of loyal service, we would like to welcome Samantha Touhey as our new chairperson, many thanks to all our committee members who work tirelessly on our behalf.
Minor Hurling:
Our indoor season continues for our U-8 hurlers each week until early December, all welcome.
The Club is in the Minor 9-aside hurling final on Saturday 12th November, throw in at 3.15pm, if any U-16s are interested in playing. Contact Joe for more details.
The Minor hurling AGM takes place on Friday, 11th of November at 9pm at the pitch, everyone welcome.
Minor Football:
Football Nursery run by Minor Football Committee for Junior and Senior infants is running every Saturday 10am to 11am for boys and girls in St. Johns Community Centre, Lecarrow.
Social Initiative:
Our Social Initiative outing took place to Glasnevin Cemetery and the GPO on Friday 4th November 2016. See pictures on the Club Facebook page.