The announcement of a relocation scheme for homes affected by last year’s severe flooding has been warmly welcomed by local Minister Denis Naughten.
Commenting on the news Minister Denis Naughten said “This scheme is something I have been working on since the flooding last winter which had such a devastating effect on a number of homes. I am delighted that €2m has now been secured for a once-off targeted Voluntary Homeowner Relocation Scheme.”
He continued “This scheme will ensure that the worst effected homeowners will be relocated to a new property without the risk of flooding.”
It is expected that the scheme will be broadly along the same lines as the one which operated in 2009.
Work to identify the homeowners will be carried out jointly by the OPW, Local Authorities and the Department of Social Protection and it is hoped initial contact will be made with a small number of targeted homeowners towards the end of this year.