21 projects from Roscommon Post Primary Schools are among the 550 nationwide to have been shortlisted for the 2017 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition.
Picture Credit: Chris Bellew / Fennell Photograph
The projects come from four local Schools and will see 48 students take on the best from the rest of the country at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition, which takes place in the RDS on 11-14 January 2017.
Overall 2,091 project ideas were submitted by secondary students from 375 schools across the island, an increase of 2% from the 2016 exhibition. Roscommon secondary schools have performed well at the Exhibition in recent years and picked up three awards last year.
The 53rd BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition attracted individual and group entries from 4,591 students in total, an increase of over 3% on last year. These hail from 31 counties, and girls once again out-numbered the boys with a gender split of 61% female to 39% male entrants. Students submitted ideas and innovations on subjects ranging from migration to climate change to concussion injuries, with Social & Behavioural Sciences the most popular category (41% of entries).
Speaking at the announcement, Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton TD;
“The BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition is a fantastic platform for so many students in Ireland and it is a testament to all involved, that in its 53rd year, the event still continues to grow in such strength and numbers. I have been to the exhibition on numerous occasions and it is extremely inspiring and encouraging to see the talent that is being nurtured as students develop their ideas and bring them to life on a national stage.”
Shay Walsh, Managing Director of BT Ireland, which organises the exhibition, said; “For BT, this is an investment in all young people and the ideas that they have for improving the world we live in. These students continue to amaze us, and we are delighted that they have entered the upcoming exhibition in record numbers. BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition is making a difference. It is one of the largest STEM engagement models in Ireland, it is launching an increasing number of start-ups, and it is highlighting our talented youth on an international stage. We are excited to see what the 2017 entrants have to show us in January.”
The 2017 entries at a glance:
· 2,091 entries received
· 4,591 students
· 375 schools represented across the island
· Cork has the highest number of entries from any county, followed by Dublin and Limerick in second and third place
· Entrants are 61% female, 39% male
· 1622 group entries and 469 individual entries
· Social & Behavioural Sciences was the most popular category (41% of entries), followed by Biological & Ecological Sciences (29%), Technology (16%) and Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences (14%).
The 53rd BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition will take place in the RDS, Dublin from 11th-14th January 2017. There are over 140 teacher and pupil awards to be won, including cash prizes, international trips and the overall title of BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s) of the Year. For more information on the exhibition, log on to or follow the exhibition on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat @BTYSTE.