The boy’s u13 team play St Dominic’s in the feile division 2 next Sunday.
The u14 boy’s play St Michael’s in the Garda semi final.
Check gaaroscommon.ie, Aertel page 452 or local press for all fixtures and results.
Castlerea St Kevins Lucky Numbers Draw
There was no winner of the €18,300 lucky numbers jackpot on Friday 28th October; numbers drawn on the night were 4, 6, 12 and 27. €50 winners on the night were Lynsey Hayden, Margaret Larkin, Myles Hawkshaw, William Cornwall and Noel McDermott. Next weeks jackpot is €18,400 and the draw takes place in Silke’s on Friday 04th November. Tickets on sale in shops and pubs in town or from any club official at €2 per panel or three panels for €5. Castlerea St Kevins thanks everyone who supports our lotto.
Next bingo is in O’Rourke Centre on Friday 4th November at 8-30pm. The jackpot will be €1,250 on 45 calls or less, or €300 on 48 calls or less. Quick lotto is at €350.
Castlerea St Kevin’s Ladies Board are celebrating their 20th anniversary on Saturday 12th November in the O’Rourke Centre at 9-30pm. Music, food and great craic on the night guaranteed. All club members welcome.
Castlerea St Kevins extends our sympathy to Margaret Sweeney and family Rampark on the death of Margaret’s father Tom Gorman Gallowstown Roscommon and also the Rooney family Clontrask on the death of Mary during the week, may they rest in peace.