eir Sport is broadcast a new series which takes a look at the science behind what it takes for an athlete to achieve their own peak performance.
Featuring contributions from Irish sporting legends such as Sonia O’Sullivan, DJ Carey, Michael Carruth, Tony Ward, Kenneth Egan, Johnny Murtagh, Thomas Barr, Barry Geraghty, Ted Walsh, Fergus Slattery, David Gillick, Anna Geary and Bryan Cullen, ShinAwiL productions look at what it takes to obtain peak performance.
Each episode profiles one sport- GAA, rugby, soccer, boxing, athletics and horse racing. The series reflects the heritage of Irish sport and tells the story of how science has changed the way we think and train.
Ireland is producing athletes who compete and win big on the world stage. Embracing science and technology ensures that we remain ahead of the game and continue to move forward in unison with sport internationally.
The air dates are as follows and all episodes will be broadcast on eir Sport 1 at 11pm, after the Champions League coverage.
November air dates
1st – Rugby
2nd – Horse Racing
22nd – Boxing
23rd – Athletics
December air dates
6th – GAA
7th – Soccer
Peak Performance is produced by ShinAwiL and funded by eir Sport, BAI Sound and Vision Fund, Science Foundation Ireland and Section 481.