St Croans GAA 50-50 Draw
The winner of last week’s 50/50 lotto was Sinead McLoughlin c/o Dermot Quinn winning €422.
The club achieved Senior league status for 2017 after they beat Fuerty on Saturday last in Enfield on a scoreline of St Croans 3-14 (23) Fuerty 0-9 (9). They will now meet Tulsk in Tulsk on this Saturday 15th October in the O’Gara Cup Final at 5 p.m. Please support.
Well done to our U-12s – they beat St Kevin’s in the Shane Beirne Shield Semi-Final on a scoreline of St Croans 5-5 (20) St Kevins 4-6 (18).
St Croans GAA Club Auction
We are hosting their Annual Monster Auction Sunday 30th October in Garvey’s Bar Ballintubber. We are asking Parents, Club and Community Members if they can make a contribution to please contact any committee member. Alternatively email [email protected] or private mail on Facebook. Quality items only please, and be sure to join us on the evening.