Michael Fitzmaurice TD has urged Agriculture Minister Michael Creed to make a case in the Budget for a top up payment from national resources in tomorrow’s Budget for “the forgotten farmers.”
This term relates to a group who who missed out by not meeting the criteria to qualify under the National Reserve or Young Farmer scheme.
Commenting on the issue Michael Fitzmaurice said “We have gone to to Brussels as a group and we met with the commission representatives on this matter and they can see no reason why there is not an extended category for them . This group has got an undertaking in the programme for Government that action would be taken on their plight and action is what’s needed now. If we want to get young people into farming this needs to be addressed immediately and the Minister will have to ensure that there is also an annual scheme for new entrants to farming as well”
IFA President Joe Healy has echoed the calls, saying “these farmers are been disadvantaged despite the fact that they are active and productive farmers. IFA has clearly stated that farmers will not accept any more reductions from their payments and any additional monies must be found from national resources.”