Intermediate lose
Our Tulsk Fuels FloGas sponsored Intermediate team lost out to Oran in the IFC semi-final on Sunday. Down by 7 points at half time, our lads fought hard to draw level in the second half but Oran went on to win by 2 points. Hard luck to manager Alan and all the lads.
We have an O’Gara Cup Final against either St. Croan’s or Fuerty in a few weeks time and Senior League football in 2017 to look forward to.
The Division 6 League Final
Our game against St. Faithleachs is due to take place the weekend of 8th/9th October.
Scór na bPáistí
Takes place at the end of October. This competition is for primary school children from 3rd to 6th classes and includes singing, dancing, drama and music. Any parents interested in entering their child please contact Alice Mannion on 086 3084051.
Tulsk GAA 50-50 Draw
Martin Flynn’s selling team are on 50/50 duty this week.