Fine Gael Senator Maura Hopkins has said that communities in Roscommon are to benefit from a €5 million national initiative to support Rural Economic Development.
Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys announced details of a new phase of the Rural Economic Development Zones (REDZ) initiative, to stimulate economic development in rural towns and their hinterlands. Under the 2016 scheme, every county in the country will receive approval for at least one REDZ project.
Attending the Ploughing Championships with Minister Humphries on Wednesday, Senator Hopkins said that “this funding will be important to our communities within county Roscommon”.
“This REDZ scheme along with the Town & Village Renewal Scheme of €10 million is only the start of our work to ensure that all rural areas in particular feel the benefit of the economic recovery.”
“The 2016 REDZ scheme will provide up to 80% financial support for proposed projects, with the balance of costs to be provided from other sources such as local Authorities, business interests or community-based funding”.
Maura Hopkins added “I will continue to work hard alongside relevant officials, town teams across the county and community groups to ensure both of these schemes encourage and support projects with value that have a strong positive impact in our rural communities.
“It is also critical though that continued emphasis and funding be made available to our rural communities in the upcoming budget”.