McGarry Trophy
The McGarry Trophy played on Sunday 21st August saw the biggest turnout of Members for a weekly competition, (outside Presidents Day & Captains) this season. Top of the list playing in his first McGarry trophy was Keith Hogg with a great score of 63, four ahead of Fiachra Neary on 67, with Seamus Sweeney third on 68, David McDermott won the gross, Captains Prize winner Mick Masterson was 4th and Tom Daly was 5th. As usual the McGarry family had a wonderful array of prizes and we thank them for their continued support of the club.
Inter Club
This evening (Monday) we played Enniscrone in round two of Connacht Shield with 3 matches at home. Result to follow. On Saturday week September 10th we play Greystones in the All-Ireland 4Ball (aka The Cecil Ewing) in Castlebar. If successful on Saturday we play All-Ireland final on Sunday 11th also in Castlebar.
PGA Tankard Qualifier
1st Phil McWeeney 31pts
2nd Elizabeth Muldowney 30pts
3rd Phil Emmett 28pts
Our best wishes to Phil McWeeney as she represents the club this week at the PGA Tankard Final in Royal Tara.
Junior Golf
Well done to all who took part in our series of Summer Golf Lessons with Pete Duignan. We look forward to seeing you all again at our Halloween Golf Camp. Last Wednesday’s Adult and Child Scramble was won by Alan and Matthew Ffrench (Pictured above) with Anthony Noone and Emmett Regan in second (Pictured Below).
John McCarthy Golf Classic
This weekend, the 2nd & 3rd of September Carrick Golf Club are holding the John McCarthy Golf Classic. On the night of the 3rd friends of John McCarthy are hosting a Trad Music Event with an Auction & Raffle in the Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon @ 8.30pm. The weekend is being organised to raise funds for Communication Technology and a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle for John. Book a tee time online at www.carrickgolfclub.ie using the Open Booking tab or by calling the club 0719667015 but hurry not many tee times left.
On Sunday we have The Cottage Stroke first of 4 competitions in The Final 4 Series, double GOY points on offer.
Carrick Golf Club Annual Golf Classic
The Club annual golf classic takes place on Fri 23, Sat 24 & Sun 25 Sept, this is our major fundraiser of the year and all Members are encouraged to organise a team with golf friends from other clubs. Entry is €160 for team of 4. Book online or by calling the Club.
Arigna Fuels Stableford
With weather looking lovely this week, should be some good scores in on Wednesday.
Garvey And Lynch Cups:
Remember first round to be played by the end of this week. See draw in LLR.
Carrick Golf Club Summer Draw
We have a 55 inch Sony Smart TV up for grabs this summer in our summer draw, tickets are €3 each or two for €5. Tickets on sale in clubhouse.
Our condolences to Marie Leydon on the passing of her sister Sr. Anna Duignan. Ar dheis de go raibh a h-anam.