National Heritage Week takes place between the 20th and 28th of August and there will be lots of things to do in Roscommon as well as nationwide.
Each day, we’ll publish a list of the Heritage Week Events throughout Roscommon.
Professor Tadhg O’Keeffe presents a lecture entitled “Landscape, Settlement, and Society in Medieval Roscommon” at the Rathcroghan Visitors Centre.
In the Ardcarne Church of Ireland the Ardcarne Cemeteries Committee present an illustrated talk by Alf Monaghan on Monastic Ireland – A Gift of the Nile.
Documentary Premier
Roscommon Arts Centre is the venue for the premier of “ALONG BY THE RIVER: Discover the River Suck from Lough O’Flynn to Shannonbridge”.
In Castlerea visit “Griffith’s Valuation – a picture of Castlerea and it’s hinterland in the mid 19th Century”.
“Visualising the Stories of Ancient Ireland” in Tulsk.
300 Years of History museum at King House Boyle.
From Beyond the horizon to a day in life and 100 years between at Aras an Chontae, Roscommon town.
The B. M. Croker Book Collection at Roscommon Library.
For the Kids
Try the “Woodland Fun Trail” for Kids age 9 to 99 or experience the Early 20th Century in the Big House at Strokestown Park House.
Guided Tours
Explore Loughnaneane Park Roscommon Castle with Ecologist David Fallon who will give a talk about bats and have a bat detector for people to use. See how many bats you can find!
Tour the only Fully Restored & Working Windmill in the West of Ireland.
There’s a Kids Heritage Hunt, organised by Roscommon County Council in Loughnaneane Park, Roscommon town.
Fancy a look around Castlecoote House followed by Tea?
If there’s is any other Heritage Week event in your area, that we haven’t mentioned, please send the details to [email protected] .