St Dominics 50-50 Draw
The Club congratulates Jason Hannon, Roscommon, seller Liam Grimes, who won €1,001 in the Club’s weekly draw on Saturday 20th August. 50/50 draw next week, Saturday 27th August will be held in Coffeys, Lecarrow. You can sign up for the next 52 weeks (Cost €100) or 26 weeks (Cost €50) at any time, please contact 087 3552383 for details and online Club website at www.naomhdominic.com. Envelopes, for entry into each individual draw on each Saturday, are also available in the Shops/Post Office and Bars in the locality, as well as from John Corcoran’s Menswear and Roscommon Leisure Zone in Roscommon – only €2 per draw. Team 10 – Noel Dervan on selling duty. Scór are on helping duty for August. Many thanks for your support.
Executive Meeting
There will be an Executive meeting of the Club on Thursday, 25th August at 9pm. Items for the Agenda to the Secretary, Tina Dolan asap, please.
Senior Football
The Monthly Football meeting took place on Tuesday night, 23rd August.
O’Gara Cup Football League. St. Dominics 4-10. Kilbride 1-5
St Dominics overcame Kilbride in this one sided encounter on Friday evening, 19th August in Kilbride. Both sides were short regulars but Conor Fallon was in fine scoring form scoring 2-6 in the first half finishing off some great moves by the St Dominics forward line. St Dominics led by 2-6 to 0-3 at the break. The second half was similar to the first with the highlight a great individual goal from Eoin Mc Cormack and a late goal from Tommy Hurley.
Team: M Miley P Carney D Corcoran A Naughton N Watson P Fallon T Gately C Murray C Hunt O Milton E McCormack (1-0) M McGloin (0-1) C Fallon (2-7) U Kelly D Donnelly (0-1) Subs: T Hurley (1-0) for C Hunt, L Kenny for D Corcoran, A Kelly (0-1) for M McGloin.
Junior A Championship: St Dominics 1-7 St. Ronans 2-15
St Dominics second team lost out to a very strong St. Ronans first team on Sunday last in Knockcroghery. St. Ronans were always in control of this game but a goal and a point from Aidan Fallon and a brace of points from Tom Gilleran kept St Dominics in touch who went in at the break trailing 1-10 to 1-3. While the second half was even enough St. Ronans notched up some fine scores and when they converted a late penalty it ended the game as a contest.
Team: C Fallon (0-1) C Coffey D Donnelly L Kenny J Gately D Gately M Gavin A Beades P Dolan D Doyle T Gilleran (0-2) S Coyle A Kelly (0-2) A Fallon (1-2) J Murray Subs- A Donnelly for J Gately
Fixtures: We play Fuerty in the Intermediate Championship in Kiltoom this Sunday 28th August at 6.30pm. We play Creggs in the Junior A Championship in Kilbride this Saturday 27th August at 5pm.
Our Hodson Bay sponsored Senior team continue training at the usual times, please keep an eye on text messages.
U16: Our U16 team are training under the guidance of Noel and Caoilfhionn on Monday evenings between 7pm and 8pm.
U8 and U10 Training will continue on Wednesday evenings at 6pm on the main pitch. All players new and old are more than welcome.
Ladies Football
Combined U6/U8 and U10 girls training continues Saturday at 10am. Please remember your mouthguards and drinks, thank you.
On Thursday evening last our minor ladies played a challenge match in Clara Co. Offaly. Padraig and Noel would like to thank all the girls and parents who travelled for the game, it was a great performance and a lot was gained from the match. Thanks also to Clara for their hospitality.
The minor ladies play away to St. Ciarans next Thursday evening at 7pm sharp.
Roscommon Ladies Gaelic Football Association’s annual fundraising draw commences in a few short weeks. Tickets €50 for entry into 26 fortnightly draws, with €350 for the winner and €150 for the club selling the winning ticket. This is Roscommon LGFA’s major fundraiser to help the development of Ladies Football in Co. Roscommon. St. Dominic’s Club, like all other ladies football clubs in the county are expected to sell at least 20 tickets. Over the last few years St. Dominic’s have had players on all the County teams (U14 to Adult) achieving great success and participating in numerous Connacht and All Ireland Finals. Tickets are available from any member of the Ladies Football Committee, please help us sell as many as possible and help support both St Dominics and Roscommon Ladies Football, thank you.
Minor Hurling
St Dominics were hosts to the latest round of blitzes. Thanks to Padraig Pearses, Four Roads, Athleague/Tremane and also, the St Dominics hurlers, Keelan Morris, Anthony Riordan and Michael Beirne who refereed, it was good to see the older club members helping out the future generation of hurlers.
Training continues for U8 /U0 ‘s on Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm.
The U12s play Carrick at home this Monday, 22nd at 7pm, report next week.
Training continues for the U16 hurlers Tuesday evenings at 8pm as they prepare for the upcoming Championship fixture. They play away to Padraig Pearses on Wednesday 24th of August, all support most welcome.
Minor Football
U6 football continues every Saturday from 10am to 11am for the month of August at the pitch. Please inform any parents who may have children for this age group.
Our Minors are scheduled to play Clann na Gael on Thursday 25th August at 7:30pm, at home.