National Heritage Week takes place from August 20th to 28th and there is lots of things to do in Roscommon during this time including Boyle and Lough Key.
Saturday 20th
In Lough Key Forest & Activity Park on from 11am – 5pm Roscommon County Council host Dig It – Free Archaeological Activity for Children: A fun, educational, hands-on archaeological experience for ages 3+, where they will carry out a ‘mini excavation’ with the promise of hidden treasure, with archaeologists Dr. Jim McKeon and Alan Healy.
All week
King House has a variety of exhibitions: 300 Years of History Museum – Connaught Rangers exhibition, President Mary McAleese collection, Maureen O’Sullivan exhibition, children activity sheets. For Heritage Week children are admitted free accompanied by an adult.
On Friday 26th at 8pm
In Ardcarne Church of Ireland Ardcarne Cemeteries Committee present an illustrated talk by Alf Monaghan on Monastic Ireland – A Gift of the Nile, tracing Mediterranean and North African influences on early Irish Christianity.
Sunday 28th at 2pm
Traditional Singing and Music in the Cloister of Boyle Abbey. All singers, musicians, storytellers, dancers and listeners welcome!
You can find out more about Heritage Week and view a list of things to do in Roscommon (Arranged by locality) here.