National Heritage Week takes place from August 20th to 28th and there is lots of things to do in Roscommon during this time including Lecarrow.
On Saturday 20th
At St John’s Hospital Rinn Duin, Kiltoom Church of Ireland Group host an afternoon of activities:
At 2.10pm there’s a talk by Anne Ridge on Burial Customs of Roscommon in the early 1900’s – Part 1.
At 2.35pm talk by Brigid Mayes on Plant medicine in the lifetime of the hospital at Rinn Duin.
At 3pm Graveyard stories and tour by Richard Collins.
At 3.25pm talk by Anne Ridge on Burial Customs of Roscommon in the early 1900’s – Part 2.
At 3.50pm talk by Brigid Mayes on Ribwort (Slanlus): its long history of use in healing.
At 4.10pm Graveyard stories and tour by Richard Collins.
At 2.10pm there’s a talk by Anne Ridge on Burial Customs of Roscommon in the early 1900’s – Part 1.
At 2.35pm talk by Brigid Mayes on Plant medicine in the lifetime of the hospital at Rinn Duin.
At 3pm Graveyard stories and tour by Richard Collins.
At 3.25pm talk by Anne Ridge on Burial Customs of Roscommon in the early 1900’s – Part 2.
At 3.50pm talk by Brigid Mayes on Ribwort (Slanlus): its long history of use in healing.
At 4.10pm Graveyard stories and tour by Richard Collins.
From 2.30pm – 4.30pm children’s activities include grave rubbings with Dr Regina Donlon and Charmian Fegen, donkey cart trips with Paddy Shaughnessy and a scavenger hunt with Richard Fegen.
On Sunday 28th
At 5pm at St. Johns Community Centre, join St. Johns Parish Heritage Group for the planting of a 1916 Commemoration Oak tree followed by creating a 2016 Time Capsule and a Remembrance Concert of 1916 through songs, dance and poetry.
You can find out more about Heritage Week and view a list of things to do in Roscommon (arranged by locality) here.