National Heritage Week takes place from August 20th to 28th and there is lots of things to do in Roscommon during this time including Moore and Taughmaconnell.
On Saturday 20th
At 4pm in Moore Hall, Lakeland, Ballydangan; Ballydangan Bog Red Grouse Project host their annual open day. There will be a project presentation in Moore Hall followed by a visit to Ballydangan Bog to see project management techniques. Please wear suitable clothing.
On Sunday 21st
At 1pm meeting at Taughmaconnell Community Centre, Bord na Mona host a Bog Walk at Killeglan Bog –come along to see the flora and fauna of Killeglan Bog with ecologist David Fallon.
On Thursday 25th
At 7.30pm in Taughmaconnell Community Centre, Taughmaconnell Historical and Heritage Group present Exploring What Lies Beneath the Earthworks at Dundonnell Castle. This talk will discuss the results of the 2015 and 2016 geophysical investigations and what they mean for our understanding of Dundonnell Castle and the Taughmaconnell area in the medieval period.
You can find out more about Heritage Week and view a list of things to do in Roscommon (arranged by locality) here.