National Heritage Week takes place from August 20th to 28th and there is lots of things to do in Roscommon during this time including in Athleague, Fuerty and Castlecoote.
Saturday August 20th from 12PM to 5PM and Sunday August 21st from 11:30AM to 5PM
An Exhibition of Maps, Photos, Artefacts & Memorabilia will be held in the Suck Valley Visitors Centre, Athleague. It will feature a unique collection of maps, photographs, artefacts and memorabilia relating to the parishes of Athleague and Fuerty and celebrating 1916 centenary – life in the community.
Local historians will be available to help with genealogy and local history queries. All are welcome to attend and the event will be of particularly benefit to those who have an interest in genealogy and local history and heritage.
All week, from September 20th
From 3-5pm, Castlecoote House invite you to enjoy a Tour of Castlecoote House, the home of the Percy French Festival, followed by tea and home baking.
On Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th
Athleague Fuerty Heritage Group will host a Heritage Tour of the locality. The event will get under way at 2pm from the Athleague Angling & Heritage Centre. This will be an interesting and informative guided tour by local historians – explore places of significant historical & cultural interest reflecting the history and cultural development of the parishes.
On Sunday 28th at 3pm
Castlecoote House hosts a Celebration of the Harp. Harpist Teresa O’Donnell will perform music by Carolan, Moore, Percy French and classical and contemporary music. The recital will be followed by a tour of Castlecoote House, tea and home baking.
You can view the full list of things to do in Roscommon during National Heritage Week here