Western Gaels Lotto Results
Number Drawn: 14-15-17-25. No Jackpot Winner.
€20 Winners
· Pauline Gibbons
· Ashling Collins
· Aoife O’Callaghan
· Rory Duffy
· Aletia, Tony, Kerry, Emma
Next Draw Venue: The Goal Post
Next Draw Date: 23/07/16
Next Jackpot: €5,400.
Thanks to all our patrons who support our lotto on a continuing basis.
Western Gaels Merchandise
Full range of club merchandise now available from Cooney’s Tibohine or the club house, including Western Gaels white Training jersey, Skinny pants, half zip tops, bags etc.
Men’s Football
Junior Team
The Junior team recorded a good win in the Div 3 Tansey cup on Friday evening last against Elphin. In a hard fought game Elphin lead for all the game until injury time when Tomas McCann drove the ball to the back of the net to give Western Gaels the 2 pts. Final scoreline: Western Gaels B 2-07 Elphin B 0-11.
The team are back out in action next weekend when we face St. Joseph’s in the Junior Championship. Check fixtures for confirmed time and venue.
Minor Team
The Michael Cooney & Sons Ltd sponsored minor team play St. Ronan’s on Wednesday evening in Frenchpark. Check fixtures for confirmed details.
U-14 Team
The Drury Oil Ltd sponsored u-14 lost out to Eire Og on Thursday evening last in the championship.
U-12 Team
The Drury Oil Ltd sponsored u-12 team travelled to Ballyleague to take on the home side, St. Faithleach’s in the u-12 championship a good all round performance ensured they came away with the win, their next outing is against St. Dominick’s. check fixtures for confirmed details.
Ladies Football
Adult Ladies Team
The Kilrane O’Callaghan & Co sponsored intermediate ladies team played Kilglass Gaels on Sunday morning last in Kilglass. The team got off to a great start with two early goals which set them up for the game. Final score Western Gaels 7-6, Kilglass Gaels 1-6.