Michael Fitzmaurice TD has denied allegations made by Councillor Rachel Doherty at a recent meeting of Roscommon County Council, that he has failed to highlighting health issues in the Roscommon-Galway area.
In a statement released a short time ago the Independent TD said “In response to allegations made at a recent Roscommon County Council meeting by Councillor Rachel Doherty that I have not been active in terms of highlighting health issues in the constituency, nothing could be further from the truth.”
“I have actively pursued the issue of the ambulance base for West Roscommon on a consistent basis since being elected. I have issued several strong press releases on the matter and have raised it by way of numerous parliamentary questions to the Minister which are a matter of record. I have also repeatedly called for the increased hours for the air ambulance service as well as for improved services at Roscommon County Hospital and Sacred Heart Home as well as constant demands to address the chronic situation with regard to our mental health services.”
Deputy Fitzmaurice added “May I remind Councillor Doherty that it is her party who are propping up the Fine Gael led Government who closed the Roscommon A&E department, and that I am the only opposition spokesman in this constituency at the moment. I can assure Councillor Doherty that I will continue highlight all issues that are relevant to the people who elected me whether it be health, transport, education, farming,business, rural affairs or indeed turf cutting as I have done in the past and for which I make no apology” he concluded.