Independent TD for Roscommon-Galway Michael Fitzmaurice has claimed that consumers are being duped by the Electricity companies.
“Householders and business owners are being enticed to switch from one utility company to another by attractive discounts in electricity rates of up to 25%. These new contracts are usually for one year only and in many cases consumers are not aware that the contracts are expired after the year, and the rates paid can be up to 50% higher for “out of contract” consumers. These new and uncompetitive rates can run for years for unsuspecting customers and it is sharp practice by these companies”
“I am calling today for the consumer protection code to be strengthened in this area to prevent householders and businesses from being ripped off. In particular I have suggested that consumers must be advised in writing within one month of the contract expiring and the price the consumer can expect to pay afterwards. This should be in plain English and approved by NALA (National Adult Literacy Agency) similar to consumer protection codes in the financial services area”
“I am also calling on the new Government and the Minister to move immediately to stamp out this practice whereby people are being ripped off by these companies and there is no other way of describing it. I will be following up this matter in the Dail at my earliest opportunity”