Mote Park Heritage

Charlie Bird to launch Mote Park Interactive Heritage Tour

Mote Park Heritage
Taking a break from his book’s ‘A Day in May: Real Lives, True Stories’ nationwide tour, Broadcaster and Journalist, Charlie Bird will visit Mote Park, Roscommon Town this Thursday, June 2nd, to launch a community-led, innovative self-guided tour with a difference!

With a love of outdoor pursuits, being familiar with many heritage spots and having travelled to both the North and South Pole, Charlie has strong connection with the environment, heritage and climate change issues. Charlie will be in Mote Park to try out some of the points of interest on the tour and will travel back to the new Civic Offices in Roscommon Town for the Launch Event at 3.30pm.

The Mote Park Interactive Heritage Tour is one of the first self-guided video tours commissioned by a community group in the country to use QR Codes. Using simple Smart-phone technology and signage at points of interest, participants can watch a short video containing interviews and stunning video footage relating to the history and biodiversity of the area. An initiative of the Mote Park Conservation Group, the tour has the potential to be a major attraction in the town as it has cross-generational appeal for anyone curious as to the heritage, nature and history of Mote Park. The project has been possible thanks to generous support from the public, substantial funding awarded by The Heritage Council of Ireland, as well as major assistance from Coillte, Roscommon County Council and Roscommon Town Team.

Using a Smart Phone with a Q.R. Code Reader, 12 points of heritage interest are brought to life through stunning video footage along with interviews with locals, historians and biodiversity experts about various heritage aspects of Mote Park. An App containing the tour of Mote Park is also being developed by Coillte and will be available for download in the near future.