The Roscommon/Athlone Region PTAA recently presented prizes to the winners of their Essay and Art competitions organised by the Region at a special ceremony held in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon.
Picture Credit: Clare Frances Photography
The essay competition had entries in two categories: Primary, Junior (up to Junior Cert). The Art competition was open to Primary Schools.
Before a large crowd in the Abbey Hotel ballroom, which included winners, parents, families, teachers and members of the Regional Committee and delegates, the prizes were presented to the regional winners in each section and also to the winners in each Primary School.
In the essay competition for Primary Schools the winners were: 1st: Ann Maria Sibi, Ballyleague N.S., 2nd : Ryan McNamara, Lisaniskey N.S., and 3rd: Lauren Cahill, Runamoat N.S. The Junior winners were: 1st: Niamh Petrie, Convent of Mercy, Roscommon, 2nd: Roddy McGuinness, Roscommon CBS.
Ann Maria Sibi and Ryan McNamara were placed first and second respectively in Connaught, as were Niamh Petrie and Roddy McGuinness in the Junior section.
In the Art competition, which had as its theme The year of Mercy, first place and a school bursary of €250 went to Ann Maria Sibi, Ballyleague N.S., second place went to Marian Nolan, Ballybay N.S. and third place went to Chloe Conway, Windfield N.S.
Activities co-ordinator Marie Doorly was MC for the ceremony and outlined the very important part the essay and art competitions play in the annual calendar of the Roscommon/Athlone region. She thanked all who had contributed to the success of the event and paid a special tribute to the teachers for their co-operation. National President, James Shevlin, who is also President of Roscommon/Athlone Region, welcomed all children, families and teachers to the presentation. He complimented all who had taken part in the competitions and also had a special word of thanks for the schools and teachers for their help. He urged the students present to seriously consider joining the Pioneer Association and urged parents to support and encourage their children in making that choice.
This was a fitting climax to the activities year of the region and as enjoyed by all who attended. Refreshments were served afterwards.