Results and Fixtures
The Senior team were defeated by Boyle in the senior championship last Sunday in Boyle see match report elsewhere. We wish Niall Connaughton a speedy recovery from the ankle injury he sustained during the game.
The Junior team play St Joseph’s in the first round of the junior championship next Sunday in Oran at 2pm.
The u14 boy’s were defeated by Elphin last Thursday in the division 2 league; they play Oran next Thursday in O’Rourke Park at 7-30pm.
The boy’s u12 game against Oran in the division two league was postponed last Saturday, they play Elphin this week.
The girl’s u12 team defeated Shannon Gael’s in the championship last Sunday in O’Rourke Park, they play Four Roads next Sunday in O’Rourke Park at 6pm.
The ladies senior team defeated Four Roads in the division 4 league last Sunday in O’Rourke Park; they play St Mary’s in Tulsk next Sunday at 12pm.
Congratulations to Rachael Mulligan and Lisa O Rourke and their Roscommon U14 team mates on winning the Connaught U14B championship last Sunday.
Castlerea St Kevin’s senior player Jenny Murphy and senior team manager Martin Murphy are part of the U14 management team so congratulations to them also.
Check www.gaaroscommon.ie, Aertel page 452 or local press for all fixtures and results.
Gaelic for Mothers and Others
The Gaelic for mothers and others meet twice a week in O’Rourke Park for some fun games and exercise, new members welcome no previous football experience necessary. Call 086 1236244, 087 2916565 or 087 2522231 for information.
We extend our sympathy to club president Eamon Campion and his family on the death of Eamon’s sister Ann Corridan in New York last week, may she rest in peace.
Castlerea St Kevins Lucky Numbers Draw
There was no winner of the €15,800 lucky numbers jackpot on Friday 06th May; numbers drawn on the night were 12, 13, 26 and 30. €50 winners on the night were Tom G King, Marie McDermott, Eddie Campion and Joseph Francis Henry. Next weeks jackpot is €15,900 and the draw takes place in Hester’s on Friday 13th May. Tickets on sale in shops and pubs in town or from any club official at €2 per panel or three panels for €5. Castlerea St Kevin’s thanks everyone who supports our lotto. Annual lotto tickets are on sale /renewal now. There are extra prizes this year at the first draw, contact your promoter or any club officer for details.
Castlerea St Kevins Bingo
Next bingo is in O’Rourke Centre on Friday 13th May at 8-30pm. The jackpot will be €2,500 on 45 calls or less, or €300 on 49 calls or less. Quick lotto is at €650.
Day Trip
Day Trip
Roscommon Social initiative are organising a trip to Collins Barracks and Glasnevin Cemetery on Saturday June 11th. All in cost including lunch €40. More details from Sean Mannion 086 8388756.
New Sponsor
We welcome on board our new senior team sponsor ‘Keith Revins Tyres’ and thank Keith for his generous support.