Tulsk GAA Club was deeply saddened this week by the passing of Monsignor Austin McKeon following a short illness. Monsignor McKeon was parish priest of Tulsk since 1990 and will be remembered for the trojan work he put into developing the schools and parish services in the area. Sincerest sympathy to Monsignor McKeon’s family and friends.
Sympathy is also extended to Kevin Kennedy, Carrowgarve on the loss of his brother Jack, in his 102nd year.
May they rest in peace.
Results and Fixtures
Good luck to the Tulsk Fuels sponsored Intermediate team and manager Alan Burns in the first round of the Intermediate Championship. The lads take on St. Dominic’s on Saturday evening in Ballyleague at 7pm. All support much appreciated.
Shannon Gaels conceded to Tulsk in the Division Six League.
The club congratulates club stalwart Joe Cunnane and his wife Suzanne on the birth of their son Daniel at the weekend.
Tulsk GAA Fundraising Draw
Our first Draw of 2016 was postponed. See next week’s Notes for new draw date. Tickets cost €50 and secure your entry into three draws throughout the year. Draw one: First prize: weekend for two in Paris to the value of €1,000, second prize: €500, 3rd prize: €250, 4th to 6th prizes: €100 each. Tickets are on sale from Club Treasurer Sean Mulligan on 086 8739330 or any member of the Finance Committee.
Club Rossie
Club Rossie Memberships are available from Club Secretary Olivia Lenehan on 086 8797647. Gold membership €228, bronze membership €100. The Club Rossie draw takes place on Sat May 14th in Hannon’s Hotel.
Social Initiative
The Roscommon Social Initiative are organising a trip to Collins Barracks and Glasnevin Cemetery on Saturday 11th June. Coach leaves Tulsk at 7:45am. Cost €40, includes lunch. Contact Sean Mannion on 086 8388756 or Kathleen Dixon on 087 4122348 to book your place.
Tulsk GAA 50-50 Draw
The club congratulates Peter Gormley, Clashaganny, winner of €215 in the 50/50 draw on April 24th. Thanks to John Hession’s team of sellers. Martin Flynn’s team are on duty this week.
Finance COmmittee
Meeting in the clubrooms on Tuesday 3rd May at 9pm. All Finance Committee members please attend.
Health and Wellbeing
As part of the Health and Wellbeing Initiative, the club is encouraging as many members as possible to take part in the Darkness into Light Walk on Sat May 7th in aid of Pieta House. See www.pieta.ie for more info.