Topaz has announced the return of Topaz Cash for Clubs, a community initiative, which offers clubs of all types and sizes from across the island of Ireland the chance to win up to €10,000 in cash from their €250,000 Prize Fund.
Picture Credit: ©INPHO/Dan Sheridan
On hand to kick off the 2016 campaign was Topaz ambassador and Ireland Rugby international Jonathan Sexton, who has joined Ireland’s leading fuel and convenience retailer in encouraging clubs across the country to sign up and get involved.
With 444 forecourts across the island of Ireland, Topaz is at the heart of Irish communities and recognises the vital role that clubs play in providing opportunities for people of all ages to learn new skills, socialise, and be active. However, fundraising has never been so difficult with clubs struggling to raise much-needed investment to support the services and facilities they provide.
2015 was the first year that Topaz launched the Cash for Clubs programme which calls on clubs to harness the support of their members and the local community to participate in their efforts as part of the programme. Last year saw the company award cash prizes of over €250,000 through the initiative with Borrisoleigh GAA Club in County Tipperary winning the main prize of €10,000. Following the success of last year’s promotion, Topaz Cash for Clubs is returning for a second year.
Marketing Director of Topaz, Margaret Barron said: “With over 440 forecourts across the island of Ireland, Topaz plays a significant role within communities across the country, each and every day, providing services and employment across our 32 county network. With that, we are very close to communities across Ireland and understand the value of clubs of all shapes and sizes. Cash for Clubs was a huge success in its inaugural year in 2015 and this year will see a further €250,000 donated to clubs nationwide. Topaz ‘Cash for Clubs’ is open to clubs of all types and sizes so, whether your local club is big or small, ballet or basketball, gymnastics or GAA, we encourage you to show your support and start collecting tokens at your local Topaz station.”
Topaz Cash for Clubs ambassador Jonathan Sexton said: “Clubs, sporting and non-sporting, play a huge role in Irish communities but are constantly faced with the challenge of raising funds to support their upkeep and development. It’s great to be involved in the Topaz Cash for Clubs initiative which plays a big part in giving clubs across the country that much-needed helping-hand when it comes to investment. It’s a simple initiative but one that I feel will continue to make a big difference.”
How it works
The programme works directly through the Topaz Play or Park Loyalty platform. Clubs can register at playorpark.ie/cash-for-clubs (ROI) or playorpark.co.uk/cash-for-clubs (NI) and, once registered, members of the club and customers in their community can start to collect tokens using a Play or Park gametag which are available in-store or through the Topaz Play or Park app. You’ll receive one token once you spend €30/£20 or more on fuel purchases and once you have linked your gametag to your chosen club your tokens will be automatically allocated to your club. Once a club has collected 2000 tokens, they will be automatically entered into an ‘everyone-wins’ draw:
Grand Prize Draw
• 1st Club drawn will win €10,000
• 10 Clubs thereafter will win €5,000 and
• 140 Clubs after this will receive €1,000
• All Clubs thereafter who meet the required token amount will receive €250.
‘Cash for Clubs’ will run for 12 weeks in total beginning Monday 16th May 2016 and ending Sunday 7th August 2016.