Roscommon Disability Support, in association with the HSE, are running a programme entitled “Self Care to Wellness” aimed at people living with a long term health condition.
This programme will be delivered for six weeks, in sessions lasting 2 hours 30 minutes, where you will learn new skills to manage your health condition on a day to day basis. Programmes are delivered by two trained facilitators whom one or both are themselves living with a long-term health condition.
Self Care to Wellness will be delivered at the following locations:
The Primary Care Centre, Monksland, on Monday May 9th at 10.30am
The Dale Centre, RSG, Roscommon on Tuesday May 24th at 2.30pm
and St Joseph’s Resource Centre, Boyle on date TBC in May
To book a place on a programme or for further information, please contact the “Self Care to Wellness” programme coordinator at Roscommon Disability Support, Jackie Morrisroe, on 083 8478076 or email [email protected]
The total cost of the programme is just €20 but places are limited and the advice is to book early.