Cllr. Orla Leyden is calling on Roscommon County Council to ensure that full access is restored to the Public Toilets located at the amenity area in Portrun.
Cllr. Leyden says that Portrunny Bay is an important local and tourism amenity much loved by locals in the Mid Roscommon area, and with visitors alike, and that it is not acceptable that the toilets in Portrun are closed to the public. She added that she has spoken to the new co-ordinator for the Roscommon Municipal District, Mr. John Mocker, to ask him to restore access to the public toilets without delay.
“It is annoying for locals and visitors to the area to find the public toilets closed and that it is also really frustrating as a public representative to find that someone has closed what are public toilets without regard to agreements in place. This issue has raised its head in the past and on those occasions it was resolved swiftly when I made contact with Roscommon County Council. I am now also asking Roscommon County Council to erect a contact number on the toilet block for members of the public to phone should they find the facility closed at any time. They can also contact their public representatives to alert them to the issue if it arises again.”
The toilet and shower block was built on public Council lands and the agreement when it was built by Waterways Ireland was that full public access to the toilets would be retained.
“I realise that a swipe card is necessary for the showers etc. for people coming off the boats but members of the public that use Portrun as an important local and tourism amenity for walking, kayaking, fishing, boating, playground etc need to be able to use the public toilet facility” she concluded.