There was a lively trade at Tuesday’s Weanling Sale in Roscommon Mart with average prices for Bulls and Heifers both up from the previous sale. There was also a good trade at today’s Sheep sale.
Tuesday’s weekly Weanling Sale at Roscommon Mart
Sample Weanling Heifer Prices
Weanling Heifers made from €445 to €680 over
Lim X 425 kgs €1050,
2 Lim X 310 kgs €990,
2 AAX 285 kgs €700,
Simm X 310 kgs €800,
BBX 310 kgs €870,
Lim X 255 kgs €835,
2 Char X 255 kgs €780.
Sample Weanling Bull Prices
Weanling Bulls made from €455 to €640 over
Char X 440 kgs €1030,
Char X 395 kgs €930
Lim X 275 kgs €915,
Simm X 390 kgs €810,
BB X 275 kgs €720,
Lim X 245 kgs €700,
Char X 275 kgs €885,
The Special Mid-Spring Sale of Weanlings takes place on Tuesday next, April 19th at 5pm. Bookings accepted up to 5pm tomorrow (Thursday April 14th). Included in the sale on April 19th – Special Entry of 30 Excellent Quality Cows with mostly Belgian Blue calves at foot and running with Lim Bull the last 2 months, and 8 Top Quality Springing Heifers – 3 months in calf to easy calving Limousin Stock Bull.Belgian Blue Bull also for sale. Full details and photos on website and face book.
On Tuesday April 26th there a Special Entry of 11 Excellent Quality Cows with strong calves at foot and running with a Charolais Bull. Also a Pedigree Charolais Bull born December 2011. Photos available on the Roscommon Mart Website and Facebook Page.
Wednesday April 13th – Weekly Sheep Sale at Roscommon Mart
There were similar numbers on offer this week’s sale compared to last week. There was a good trade for Hoggets with lots making up to €130 per head. There were slightly better numbers of Spring Lambs on offer with prices fetching up to €93.60 over their weight. There was a similar trade for Cast Ewes with the tops making €130 per head. There was a good demand for Ewes with lambs at foot resulting in a very high clearance of lots. Ewes with double lambs at foot made up to €290 per unit while Ewes with single lambs at foot made up to €190 per unit.
Sample Sheep Prices
Spring Lambs: 44kgs made €135, 38kgs made €125, 48.80kgs made €140, 46.40kgs made €140.
Ewe Hoggets: 58.90kg mades €130, 50.10kgs made €123, 47.65kgs made €115, 46kgs made €110, 51.50kgs made €128
Wether Hoggets: 50kgs made €100, 42kgs made €90,
Mixed Hoggets: 43kgs made €95,
Cast Ewes: made from €70 to €130 per lot
Ewes with Twin lambs at foot: made up to €290 per unit
Ewes with Single Lambs at foot: made up to €190 per unit
Sheep sales continue weekly on Wednesdays at 11am. Yard opens at 8:30am.
Sheep Scanning Service every Wednesday from 9 – 10am Sharp.
Show & Sale of Lambs (in conjunction with Roscommon Lamb Festival) on Wednesday April 27th. See www.roscommonmart.ie and adverts for details.