Results and Fixtures
The Senior team play St Croans in the O’Gara cup next Sunday in Enfield at 3pm.
The junior team were defeated by Shannon Gaels in O’Rourke Park last Saturday in the Tansey Cup.
The minor boys play St Croans in the division three league next Friday in Enfield.
The u14 boys play Oran in the division two league in O’Rourke Park next Thursday.
The boys u12 team were defeated by Strokestown in the Spring league division two in the Community School Pitch last Saturday; they play Kilbride in Kilbride next Sunday at 11 am.
The girls u12 team play Western Gael’s next Wednesday in the Western league at 7pm in O’Rourke Park, they play Oran next Sunday in O’Rourke Park at 7pm.
Thanks to everyone who helped in staging the Roscommon V Mayo ladies u14 Connaught championship game last Saturday in O’Rourke Park.
Check http://www.gaaroscommon.ie, Aertel page 452 or local press for all fixtures and results.
Castlerea St Kevins Lotto
There was no winner of the €15,400 lucky numbers jackpot on Friday 08th April; numbers drawn on the night were 2, 31, 33 and 35. €50 winners on the night were Kevin Freyne, Chris Connaughton, Marie Mahony and Pat Mcloughlin. Next weeks jackpot is €15,500 and the draw takes place at The Forge on Friday 15th April. Tickets on sale in shops and pubs in town or from any club official at €2 per panel or three panels for €5. Castlerea St Kevins thanks everyone who supports our lotto.
Castlerea St Kevins Bingo
Next bingo is in O’Rourke Centre on Friday 15th April at 8-30pm. The jackpot will be €2,500 on 45 calls or less, or €300 on 48 calls or less. Quick lotto is at €600.
Club Rossie
Annual Membership tickets are available for renewal/sale now, contact Marie on 086-8478459 or any club member.