Last Sunday’s Allianz Football League game between Roscommon and Dublin threw up a number of questions:
Picture Credit: Andrew Fox Photography
– “Why did Roscommon leave it so late to switch the match?” (The call for a 9am Pitch Inspection was made at National level. It had passed an inspection on Saturday evening but heavy rain overnight made it unplayable)
– “Why were Dublin supporters charged €10 for the complementary buses?”(Nobody was charged on the Buses hired by Roscommon GAA – a group of Dublin supporters hired their own Bus and charged their fellow supporters.)
and the third question, which got a little overshadowed was
– “Why did Roscommon wear different Jerseys today?”
Well the answer is that very simple. Finnerty Stoneworks were the top prize winners in the Club Rossie Business Members Draw and received the opportunity get their logo on the Jersey for the match against the reigning Allianz League and All-Ireland Champions.
Speaking following the Draw last month owner of Finnerty Stoneworks Tommy Finnerty said “I’ve been going to Roscommon games since I was 4 or 5. I used to go with my Dad who passed away in 1992 and now go with my brother to both hurling and football games – I had 3 nephews involved with the hurlers last year too.
I was a Club Rossie Business member last year and this year I was happy to get involved again. When I got the call this morning I couldn’t believe it. I was hoping to get one job out of my involvement but this is totally beyond my expectations! To find out more about Finnerty Stoneworks, and to see the work they do, visit them on facebook.com/finnertystoneworks/

If you have a business and are interested in joining the other growing numbers (50+) of members of Club Rossie Business, head to clubrossie.ie and see the many business benefits of being a member of Club Rossie Business, which can be achieved while helping out Roscommon teams in all codes.