St Michaels Results and Fixtures
The under 12 boys team have their first game of the Spring league away to St. Aidans this Saturday at 12noon.
Our under 14 boys continued their winning ways with an away victory against Oran on Thursday.
Our under 16 boys had two successful outings during the week which sees them through the division 4 final. On Tuesday evening they beat Western Gaels at Ardcarne Park and on Saturday managed to get the better of St. Croans at Enfield.
The St Michaels/St Ronans combined minor team got off to a good start when they beat Kilglass/Barrys in Tarmonbarry on Bank holiday Monday. Well done to all.
Club Social Night
A good night out was enjoyed by all who attended the club social night recently in Tara Marina. Chairperson Jenny Bruen in her speech paid tribute to the trojan work being carried out throughout the club by so many people and then announced minor secretary Michael Henry as Clubman of the Year. The Parish Person of the Year award was presented to Aileen Daly in acknowledgement of her work and involvement in a multitude of organisations and committees at parish and county level. Congratulations to Michael and Aileen.
Ardcarne Park Development Committee
The Annual General Meeting of the Committee will be held at the Complex on April 21st at 9pm. Sitting officers have now served their term and nominations for the positions of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer may be submitted to Michael Regan, Secretary, on or before 18th April.
Ardcarne Centenary Commemoration
The Committee would like to remind everyone of their very important weekend event, Ardcarne Remembers 1913-1923, to be held on Friday April 29th to Sunday May 1st. Friday and Sunday’s events are open to all but admission on Saturday is by ticket only. Tickets for Saturday’s talks (€5 for the morning and €5 for the afternoon session) will be available from Martina (086 1088815) and Helen (086 3611611).
Best of luck
Best wishes to Brian Reynolds and Deirdre King who are to be married this Thursday.