There were 900 cattle on offer at Castlerea Mart yesterday (Thursday). Store cattle of all types continue to enjoy a very strong trade driven by strong farmer buying at the moment and also export demand.
The heifer and dry cow sections reported a steady trade with prices similar to last week while in the calf and breeding stock section good clearances were reported.
Sample Heifer prices
Ch 555kgs made €1475
Ch 540kgs made €1430
AA 480kgs made €1270
Sim 492kgs made €1235
Ch 470kgs made €1225
Lm 415kgs made €1140
Lm 385kgs made €1020
Sample Cow prices
Dry Cows:
Lmx 805kgs made €1640
RLm 715kgs made €1215
Ch 685kgs made €1295
Ch 660kgs made €1160
Fr 540kgs made €725
Cows with calves at foot made form €1190 to €2310 for a Sm heifer and her heifer calf at foot
Springers made from €940 to €1660 per head
Dairy Cows on offer made from €1000 to €1100 per head
Sample Calf prices
Hr hfr made €360
Her bull made €360
Lm hfr made €350
Si bull made €355
BHer bull made €280
AA bull made €270
AA bull made €270
Sample Weanling Bulls prices
Ch 335kgs made €1040
Ch 320kgs made €1005
RLim 330kgs made €990
BBx 290kgs made €960
Ch 285kgs made €880
Ch 245kgs made €865
Weanling Heifers prices
Lmx 350kgs made €1100
Ch 290kgs made €1045
Lm 365kgs made €990
Lm 270kgs made €950
Ch 240kgs made €790
Sales continue next week at Castlerea Mart with a Bullock sale on Monday 4th April and a sale of Heifers,Cows, Calves and Weanlings on Thursday 7th. All sales commence at 11am.