GLAS Payments teagasc white Clover michael fitzmaurice Single Farm Payment Elphin Mart IFA Bank of Ireland meat factories budget Farming Hazardous Farm Waste Collection

Elphin Mart Price Report March 28th

GLAS Payments teagasc white Clover michael fitzmaurice Single Farm Payment Elphin Mart IFA Bank of Ireland meat factories budget Farming Hazardous Farm Waste Collection

There was strong demand for all weanling at yesterday’s sale in Elphin Mart, resulting in a lively trade

Male Weanlings

There was a 91% clearance of Male Weanlings. The average prices achieved those under 300kg was €784, with a top price of €965 achieved for a 290kg Charolais.
Male Weanlings weighing 301-400kg had an average price of €924, with a top price of €1,240 secured for a 4000kg Charolais.
Those weighing 401-500kg sold for average price of €1,080, with a top price of €1,280 achieved for a 440kg Limousin.
Male Weanlings weighing over 500Kg had an average price €1,227, with a maximum price of €1,435 for 685kg Limousin.

Female Weanlings

There was 84% clearance of Female Weanlings. The average prices achieved those under 300kg was €822, with a top price of €1,005 for a 280kg Charolais.
Those weighing 301–400kg averaged €924, with a top price of €1,240 for a 4000kg Charolais.
Female Weanlings weighing 401-500kg average €1,023 with a max price of €1,300 for 500kg Charolais.

Dry cows

There was a 91% clearance of Dry Cows with an average price achieved of €1,016. Cows ranged in price from €800 up to €1,505 for a Charolais Cow weighing 820kg.

In-Calf Cows and Cows with calves

There was a full clearance in these categories. In-calf Cows ranged in price from €1,350 to €3,050
Cows with male calves at foot sold for €3,050. Cows with female calves at foot made €2,900.

Good clearance of Sheep

Sheep numbers were down with 82% clearance. Lambs weighing 65kg made €125. Lambs weighing 48.5kg €118, Lambs weighing 38.5kg made €95.
Culled Ewes ranged from €70 to €139 Breeding Ewes ranged from €110 to €218.

Farmers are reminded that Elphin Mart will host a Pedigree Unhaltered Sale, for all breeds, on Saturday May 7th. Forms available now from the Mart Office, further details to follow on