There were smaller numbers on offer at Roscommon Mart at Tuesday’s Weanling Sale and Wednesday’s Sheep Sale but trade remained steady.
Wednesday March 23rd – Weekly Sheep Sale at Roscommon Mart
There was a full clearance of Cast Ewes and better numbers of Ewes with lambs were presented for sale.
A small number of spring lambs were on offer with lots fetching up to €140. There was a similar trade for Hoggets compared to previous weeks.
Sample Sheep Prices
Spring Lambs: 65 kgs made €140, 48kgs made €140, 52 kgs made €140, 44kgs made €135.
Ewe Hoggets: 53.6kgs made €132,
Mixed Hoggets: 48.8 kgs €134,
Hogget Rams :41.7kgs made €100. 53kgs made €133,
Wether Hoggets: 57.30 kgs made €134, 54.1kgs made €133
Cast Ewes made from €46 to €146.50 per lot
Ewe with Three lambs at foot made €265
Ewes with Twin lambs at foot made up to €275 per unit
Ewes with Single Lambs at foot made up to €200.
Sheep sales continue weekly on Wednesdays at 11am. Yard opens at 8:30am. Sheep Scanning Service every Wednesday from 9-10am. Sharp
Tuesday’s weekly Weanling Sale at Roscommon Mart
There was a small entry of Weanlings on offer this week. There was an excellent trade for Weanlings with a very high clearance of lots. Prices for Heifers ranged from €2.28 per kilo up to €3.08 per kilo. Prices for Bulls ranged from €2.04 per kilo up to €3.20 per kilo.
A special Sale of Weanlings will be held next Tuesday, March 29th, at 5pm. Bookings accepted up to 5pm. today (Thursday March 24th).
Sample Weanling Heifer Prices
Weanling Heifers made from €300 to €725 over
Char X 475kgs made €1200,
Lim X 430kgs made €1070,
Char X 390kgs made €965,
Lm X 350kgs made €930,
Lim X 325kgs made €960,
2 AA X 322.5kgs made €800,
Lm X 285kgs made €880,
Si X 285kgs made €720 .
Sample Weanling Bull Prices
Weanling Bulls made from €360 to €615 over
Lim X 510 kgs made €1,100,
Char X 470 kgs made €1085,
Char X 340 kgs made €950,
Char X 305 kgs made €835,
Char X 285 kgs made €765.
Char X 280 kgs made €815,
Lim X 250 kgs made €800.
To view live streams of sales at Roscommon Mart click here