What is so great about living in Roscommon? That is the question being posed by LookWest.ie – a government website which aims to be the definitive guide to doing business, working and living in the West of Ireland and to encourage people to move to the region.
April is Roscommon focus month on LookWest.ie; and they are asking the people of the county to help them to showcase Roscommon to the world.
They want the inside scoop on living in County Roscommon. What is life like? Where are the great communities? Highlights / lowlights and what’s going on.
You can have your say by completing the Survey at bit.ly/LiveinRoscommon and you are encouraged to provide as much info as possible. The survey will take just 5 minutes complete and they will credit all sources so it’s a great opportunity for local business people to get some free publicity. The survey closes on Wednesday, March 30th.
You can also help by sharing this post on Social Media using the buttons below and encouraging others to tell LookWest.ie all about living in Roscommon.