A great crowd gathered in Kilteevan Community Centre yesterday morning for Daffodil Day Coffee morning hosted by the local Community Development group.
The catering team had the Hall well decked of in an array of yellow balloons, streamers and naturally, daffodils! Kilteevan Community Development thanks all the bakers who did not disappoint when it came to providing the community with an array brownies, buns and scones! Thanks to Shirley Spellman of Future Flowers who provided a beautiful floral bird table and to Maureen O’Donavan for wine and chocolates, which were all given away in a Draw for all of attended. Special thanks is due as always to the catering team who kept the show running behind the scenes. A great time was had by all and the Kilteevan Community Group was delighted to give the donations to Irene Beirne for the Irish Cancer Society. The final figure of donation was €623. Thank you again for your generosity.